Glass Painting Supplies...

About Glass painting Supplies...

Glassprimer™ glass paint is the leader in setting trends for the colored glass world. Back painting glass to achieve perofessional, permantly bonded, colored glass is easier than ever with Glassprimer™ one step back painting process. Visit for more info.

Glassprimer™ glass paints are now available world wide, and can be matched to any color including any large paint manufacture fan deck color. Glassprimer™ offers colors in opaque, translucent, and metallic.

Glassprimer™ is featured on HGTV and DIY network for back painted glass.

Glassprimer™ glass paints usually color match and ship out from the same day you place your order.

Setting Trends, Glassprimer™ permanent bonding glass paints!

(888) 619-2226
USA Dist.

Glass Painting Supplies

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